Since finishing my term as Deputy Chairman of CF, I have been taking a bit of a rest, as well as reinvolving and increasing my involvement in local politics. I have been keeping up to date with the good work being undertaken by the new Executive, and keep in touch with many of them on a regular basis. I continue to be available to field enquiries, and also to offer advice in setting up branches, particularly in our target seats.

Recently, I have been doing a reasonable amount of walking, in preparation for a 9 day charity trek along the Great Wall of China. Apparently we do up to 7 hours walking each day, and it is pretty hilly and there are lots of steps. The steps range from tiny steps to those that are half your body height which makes for some interesting walking!
The charity in question is the Westminster Challenge which supports three charities: The Children’s Society, Crimestoppers and Cancer Research. The trip also has the aim of encouraging politicians and charities to work more closely together and to support the voluntary sector. I understand that we are also being joined by the Lithuanian Ambassador on the trek. I am aiming to raise £5,000, and am nearly half way there. If 100 CF members donated £25, or 250 CF members donated just £10, that would be the other half.
The link is
Any support would be gratefully received.
Best wishes,
Claire Palmer
Former CF Deputy Chairman