Sunday, 27 January 2008

Dinner at Fushia

Chairman of Croydon Conservatives’ Community Link Badsha Quadir has invited all London South members to a dinner at Fushia restaurant. This will be attended by:

Mr Richard Ottaway MP
(Croydon South)

Cllr Steve O’Connell
(Croydon Cabinet Member for Safety and Cohesion and GLA Candidate, Croydon and Sutton)

Lord Sheikh
(Chairman, Conservative Muslim Forum)

Location: Fushia Restaurant, 3 Brighton Road, South Croydon CR2 6EA
Date: Thursday 28th February 2008

Time: 7 for 7.30 p.m.
Ticket: £17.50
Dress: Lounge suit

Contact: Tirena Gunter at:

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Elect Hilley for London South Chair

Please come to the launch of my campaign on Thursday 7th February. The pub's a well known favourite of mine and for those of you that are based in the southern parts of London South- no excuse as my home town is Purley that is in the borough of Croydon!

I am assured that there will be many London South members in attendence. A few well known guests may make a surprise appearence to- you'll just have to come to find out who they are!!

Date: Thursday 7th February
Venue: Slug & Lettuce, Clapham Junction, London, SW11 1RU
Time: 7pm onwards
Ticket: Free

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Curry, beer and politics

Croydon CF is hosting a Curry Night- places are on a first come, first serve basis so get in quick!!

Location: Zara's Kitchen, 60 South End, Croydon
Time: 8pm
Date: Tuesday 12th February
Host: Clare Hilley
Dress: Sexy and remember to bring a bottle!!

Contact me at:

Dates for your Diary

Date: Tuesday 22nd January
Event: Reception with Steve Norris
Host: UCL Conservatives
Location: UCL, Haldane Room, Gower Street, London
Time: 7.30pm - 11.30pm
Ticket: Free


Date: Wednesday 23rd January
Event: Party - Bar Night
Host: Karen Allen
Location: Pitcher & Piano, William IV Street, London
Time: 7.30pm till late
Ticket: Free


Date: Saturday 2nd February
Event: CF Hustings and Campaign Day
Host: Mark Clarke PPC for Tooting
Location: Tooting Broadway Station & Selkirck pub
Time: 10.30am till 11.30pm
Ticket: Free


Happy New Year

A Happy 2008 to you all.

Croydon CF branch held a successful Christmas meal that was attended by twenty members. Afterwards we all went on a typical Croydon bar crawl but luckily no one was caught in a brawl!!

Here are some pictures of the night- enjoy!